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Unlock Exclusive VIP Access: Maximize Your Results and Take Your Real Estate Journey to the Next Level!

Just $197 $97 During Pre-Event Special!

Spots Are Limited!

Here's What You'll Get With VIP:

1: Full Lifetime Access to the Complete Set of Replays for the Entire Event:

You will get ONGOING ACCESS to the entire event replays so you can revisit and learn whenever you want!

The replays will be broken down into topics for you and put in your member site, so you can easily find the topic/training you need, when you need it!

It's like having a real estate investing university at your fingertips 24/7!

2: The Complete Deal Documents Package - Everything:

You're going to get the complete set of documents for both the acquisition side and the disposition (selling) side of these deals. We have never made these available before!

I have made other documents available in previous events, but never these.

These are my own documents that I have used for over 20+ years in this business and when you get VIP today, I'm going to give them to you during the event.

3: An Exclusive VIP Call with David ($500 value):

This is one of the most loved parts of the event!

As a VIP, you'll get an exclusive live session with David where you can ask any questions you have. Whether it's about strategies, deals, or even your unique situation, David will be there to help you get clarity and confidence.

This VIP session with David is priceless and you could change your path forward with one great answer to a roadblock question you have. Not to mention all of the other value you will get from other attendees questions.

4: The Event Mind Maps and Blueprints Package:

We'll be covering a lot during the event!

As a VIP, you'll get detailed mind, maps and blueprints for all of the key strategies.

These are your step-by-step guides to success, giving you a clear path to follow after the event.

5: Access to 20+ Years of Real Estate Knowledge:

During the VIP session, you'll have direct access to everything David has learned over the past two decades of real estate investing.

This is your chance to tap into David's experience and learn the exact steps to build a profitable, sustainable business.

What People Say About Commando:


Ms. Trey Oliver

I love the Real Estate Commando training because David genuinely shows concern about helping others. He also shares a lot of valuable information in his free workshop.

Event Attendee



N. K. (Penny) Secrest Secrest

David's presentation is packed with actionable information. He is a nuts and bolts type of guy. No hype, just the facts. His is a process considering all those necessary little details you don't get up front (or ever) from most of the gurus. If you want a step by step process for success, his program offers that. I have taken many courses and his is the most thorough and informative, especially if you are new to the investing world. He offers methods to help overcome those personal fears and reservations that otherwise would prevent us from moving forward. If you are looking for practical, comprehensive advice, David offers it.


Sam Cox

What can you say about someone who always delivers the goods, on time and in abundance? Each time I take a training session with this Commando I pick up a nugget or two of information that had completely skipped my attention or had failed to be introduced, mentioned or alluded to by others in the industry. Bravo!


Penny Malone

I wanted to tell you Thank You. Watching you yesterday & today has really sparked a fire in me again. I really enjoyed hearing your story. Thank you for your service. I am going to fight harder for my dream!!!!! Thank you so much David!!!!!

Event Attendee


Event Attendee



Don Reed

Really good and crucial intel. Love David and his attitude and demeanor. I am especially encouraged and want to get on board because of his ethics. Well done.


Jim Myers

David Corbaley delivers better and more usable information about how to locate, contact, negotiate and close more and better deals than any of the other so called "Guru's" out there. Along with Ken Wade and a host of Partners and behind the scenes support personnel, he ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS delivers the industries best work! This gentleman stands alone in a world of information about the Real Estate industry as a whole. When you only want to work with the best, David is the only game in town.


Kevin Murphy

What an amazing day! Such a well thought out and put together mission to put people on a track for success. I started in real estate in the 90s, and lost everything in the 2007 market crash. I've tried to get back into it throughout the years, but failed and lost more by listening to several "gurus" that just didn't own up to their word. I've also held myself back, but I knew if I was going to return to the business, it was going to have to be with someone I really needed to trust. That brought me to David Corbaley, and the Real Estate Commando Team. I am fully committed now, and ready to take action. I am confident now that if I put in the work that's being asked, we'll both be successful. That gives me hope that I can get back to helping people again, and owning a business to be proud of.


Travis Setser

I just wanted to say thank you to all of The Real Estate Commando, loved the course, it was very helpful and understanding, ready to start my new path in real estate, much love to you all.


Lou Silva

The first day of a 2-day session was more than expected. Although it was an entire day training, quickly realized it was going to be something I was not going to miss a minute of. Everything made sense from how to interact with Sellers to the amazing software tools. Looking forward to tomorrow's training.